
Looking for help developing your content? Or is it ready for a polish? I offer a variety of editing services.

I’m currently focusing on editorial assessments and stylistic and copy editing.

  • Editorial assessments
    An editorial assessment is a detailed report outlining the strengths of your manuscript and the areas that could benefit from reworking. It also includes suggested revisions to help get the manuscript ready for the next step in the editing process. An editorial assessment can save you time and money down the road.
  • Developmental/structural editing
    A developmental edit focuses on the big-picture aspects of the manuscript, such as structure, pacing, and characterization.
  • Stylistic and copy editing
    Sometimes these edits are done separately, but often they’re completed simultaneously. At the stylistic and copy-editing stage, the focus is on the language itself. These edits take into account consistency, overall flow, and mechanics (i.e., grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling).
  • Proofreading
    This is the final edit before the manuscript is published. It’s often completed once the manuscript has been formatted.